Monday, October 5, 2020
7:00 - 8:40 pm EST
Present: Joe, John, Jim, Chloe, Richard, Netta, Barbara, Tracy, Ron, Adam, Sharon, and Kevin
Regrets: Tiffany
Joe welcomed Netta to the C-Team
1) Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved without discussion.
2) Treasurer’s Report
Richard reported that we had received $ 645.00 in donations following the AGM, and that we incurred $19.91 in expenses leaving us with a net balance of $625.09. He added that while the bank account remained at the same address, we can of course access it from any location.
Richard proposed that the C-Team discuss contributions to basic income and decide whether they should be considered donations or a membership fee. Richard also suggested that we need to look carefully at the website and determine how we want it to be structured. Richard and Netta offered to join the committee, Sharon, Jim, John, and Joe are already members and it was suggested that Saul would also be asked to participate.
It was agreed that the Website Committee meeting would be held Monday, October 19 at 7pm.
3) Technology: NationBuilder Update
From an information management perspective, Sharon stated that since the website is our archive of BI information and OBIN activities, it is essential that we keep it up to date and that we include all OBIN operating documents. She proposed that the C-Team provide more direction in this regard. One example of how the website has become an information repository is the fact that Coalition Canada uses our material. Jim added that we should review all website pages and make the necessary changes. In this regard Sharon suggested that we undertake this review in the context of what new members might need to know.
In connection with Lobby Day, Sharon asked Barbara, who is part of the BI team organizing the event (with Coalition Canada), to send her materials to post on the OBIN website.
4) Review of AGM and Round Table
John informed the team that 57 people had registered for the AGM, that 32 people had attended the meeting and 22 people remained to the end. Sharon observed that the AGM participants included “all the usual suspects” and that in fact, it was an AGM for very few people. Jim added that the team had put in a lot of work preparing for the AGM, given the number of people who showed up.
While it was generally agreed that the AGM had been a good meeting Chloe asked what types of people would be inclined to attend an AGM. Tracy added that in future we should try to avoid Saturday meetings and 5- hour marathons. As an alternative Jim proposed we consider more frequent but shorter meetings. In his opinion it was advisable to stay away from on-line, all-day sessions, especially on Saturdays.
ACTION ITEM: Joe suggested that we prepare short videos with each C-Team member providing a two- minute summary of what they do on the committee.
Sharon said she was researching how to get audio onto NationBuilder. Barb confirmed that October 20-22 was Lobby Week. She then went on to address the issue of how best to market BI to all parties. She noted in this regard that Bishop Prendergast is a BI supporter. Netta suggested that as a new committee member she may not be a good advocate but, nevertheless, agreed that marketing the program to political parties is a valid issue particularly in view of the impending election and the need for each of the parties to be prepared. Richard noted that, due to the pandemic, the Liberal party convention was being delayed until April, providing us with time to reach out to MPs. Tracy mentioned that she is doing a BI talk and a rural poverty presentation and would also like to do a video debunking the myths of basic income. Jim informed us that he is working with Coalition Canada and is preparing an application for funding for a series of seminars addressing Basic Income and the Environment. In the meantime, we have to identify who we want to reach and which groups we need to contact. The Call for proposals allows for funding of between $100,000 and $ 6,000,000. He plans to be modest and to ask for funding of approximately $1,000,000, for a project which he believes would have a duration of 12-18 months. His goal in this exercise would be to strengthen the link between BI and the environment.
John informed the team that he needed some help and was looking for a co-coordinator to work with him. He has 3-4 people in mind. The extra effort is needed in order to get various groups talking to each other, which he defines as his main focus. Kevin proposed that in view of the impending federal election, it would be helpful for C-Team members to meet with and brief party leaders. Joe added that support from Ottawa’s municipal government would be helpful and would set an example for other municipal governments across the country. Adam emphasized the importance of increasing the number of people we are able to reach out to and to encourage them to work together on Lobby Day. Adam reported that the material on social media had been widely shared.
Jim requested feedback on the Statement of Principles and nominations for the C-Team with specific roles identified. Sharon added that people need to know which positions are open and all the information is on the website under About Us/The C-Team.
5) Request for Updated Mandates as per Basis of Affiliation
ACTION ITEM: Joe requested that the C -Team mandates be updated prior to our next meeting.
6) Next Cross-Country Check Up?
Jim proposed and John agreed that we delay discussion to a later meeting with a view to hosting an event late winter or early spring.
7) October Newsletter
ACTION ITEM: Joe indicated that the next newsletter should include reference to ratification of the Statement of Principles as well as a note on nominations for the C-Team.
8) Other Business
No other business items were raised.
9) Schedule for Next Meetings
It was agreed that our next two meetings would be held Monday, November 2 and Monday, December 7.
10) Adjournment Time
The meeting ended at 8:40 pm.