Report released on 17 June 2020.
*** Read and download the report Rethinking Work and Income Security in the 21st Century: The Case for Basic Income and Work here. ***
See OBIN Press Release here.
See Basic Income Manitoba Press Release here.
Southern Ontario’s Basic Income Experience Report (March 2020)
Excerpt from the Report Introduction:
"In 2017, the Government of Ontario selected Hamilton, Brantford, and Brant County as one of the three sites to take part in a three-year basic income pilot project. During that time, selected individuals in each of the communities served by the pilot were to receive a basic income from the government and become key informants in the evaluation of the program. However, the June 2018 general election in Ontario saw a new government come to power and cancel the pilot just more than a year after it had begun. At the time, Community and Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod stated that the pilot was cancelled because it was 'failing.'"
This report raises questions about this assessment. Read the report here.
CBC News article (5 March 2020) by Dan Taekema - Excerpt:
"People kept working, became healthier while on basic income: report
Participants in Ontario's prematurely cancelled basic income pilot project were happier, healthier and continued working even though they were receiving money with no-strings attached.
That's according to a new report titled Southern Ontario's Basic Income Experience, which was compiled by researchers at McMaster and Ryerson University, in partnership with the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction."
Read the CBC article here.
With the financial support of BICN