Updated: 30 Sep 2021

The Ontario Basic Income Network (OBIN) aims to bring about the implementation of a Basic Income program that is adequately funded, unconditional, and leaves no low-income person worse off. Such a program will function as a complement to livable minimum wage laws and existing social programs that are efficient and effective.

OBIN works to increase public understanding and to advocate for the implementation of a basic income by building and strengthening the network of advocates in Ontario, as outlined in the Framework.


Supporting OBIN

All supporters of a Basic Income are welcome to follow and support OBIN activities. 

Depending on time and other commitments, your level of involvement may vary. Nevertheless, a critical mass of active supporters in Ontario is essential to vigorously promote a Basic Income and obtain/maintain government actions. Members are invited to serve on the OBIN leadership team. Alternately, advocating for a Basic Income in your local Riding is equally needed for success.

For active members, a $25 annual contribution (or whatever you can afford to give) is required to cover operational and project costs. Click here to go to the Donate page.


OBIN’s structure includes two components: 

  1. Individuals and Affiliates in the province. (Individuals are encouraged to join/create an Affiliate in their Riding.)
  2. Coordinating Team.

Coordinating Team (C-Team) is composed of two active levels.

Level 1 – The Managing Team

  • Facilitator, Co-facilitator
  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Internal Relations Coordinator
  • External Relations Coordinator
  • Promotions and Communication Coordinator
  • Website Content Manager
  • Advisers who may join as appropriate

 Level 2 - The Support Team

  • Co-coordinators to support the Managing Team.
  • Optional topical teams that can be appointed by the Coordinators on either a short- or long-term basis.

The C-Team works interactively with OBIN Affiliates and members in whatever ways are mutually agreeable.  The Managing Team is kept as small as is feasible in order to encourage horizontal interaction and coordination of activities and monthly meetings, unless otherwise agreed.  The second layer of the C-Team may attend C-Team activities.  They are expected to be fully aware of the Managing Team activities and, in particular, those of the Coordinator they are working with.

The C-Team will be accountable to OBIN members.  The Facilitator, in collaboration with the C-Team, reports to the membership in writing at least twice each year.


  • All C-Team members are responsible for working together to build and sustain the movement.
  • The C-Team creates/updates a Strategic Plan annually, noting the potential projects.
  • Each Coordinator, in consultation with the Co-Coordinator, prepares a mandate and specific plan at the beginning of each fiscal year for review and agreement by the C-Team.
  • Each Coordinator is empowered to interact directly with OBIN members by:
    • encouraging reciprocal communication about their area of responsibility.
    • receiving, proposing, and helping to coordinate collaborative initiatives for OBIN or with particular affiliated groups or solo activists; in addition, by:
      • working with Co-coordinators to share the workload and skills.
      • collaborating with the Website Content Manager to provide timely information for posting and advising on the maintenance of the Website.
      • recruiting volunteer OBIN members to join short- or longer-term “Topical Teams” or projects to work with them as circumstances require.

More specifically,

Internal Relations Coordinator:

  • expand OBIN through the creation of new Riding Affiliates, education, and mentoring of new volunteers and potential new Affiliate initiators.
  • share useful materials and information regarding local initiatives, communication, and collaboration within the network.
  • develop common actions and language (in consultation with the Research team).
  • organize meetings and discussions of various kinds within the Affiliate network. This should lead to the development of a sense of community within OBIN.

External Relations Coordinator:

  • build relations with other provincial allied organizations/campaigns, various sectors, labour unions, Basic Income Canada Network (BICN), Basic Income Canada Youth Network (BICYN), governments, etc.

Promotion and Communications Coordinator:

  • prepare editorials and op-eds in collaboration with other Coordinators and organizations for major media outlets to expand public awareness and education on basic income.
  • create online and hard copy publications, promotional materials, videos, website, tag lines.
  • organize communications content.
  • handle relations with the media, interviews, etc.
  • manage content on OBIN social media platforms.

Special Projects Coordinator: This role will enable the C-Team to deal flexibly and in a timely manner with significant events that affect the basic income movement.

  • initiate and respond to special projects arising from the current political and social environment that strengthen OBIN’s advocacy efforts in support of basic income in Ontario and beyond.
  • advance basic income on the political scene.
  • deal with new pilots, elections, and other major but time-limited projects in the social and political world of basic income.
  • oversee the program for the AGM.

Website Content Manager:  The value of a website depends on not only the quality of information but to the extent it is kept current and made user-friendly. The role of the Content Manager is critical for the effective working of the organization.

  • working with C-Team members, and particularly with the Promotions and Communications Coordinators, to keep the website relevant and up to date
  • Posting C-Team Minutes expeditiously
  • Requesting, organizing, and posting articles that form the OBIN Newsletter
  • keeping resources on the website organised and posting updates about events/articles/news on the website,
  • bringing to the attention of the C-Team items that may be of interest for posting
  • calling and chairing quarterly meetings, or more often, if necessary, to review the status of the website and make changes to enhance its use; bringing to the attention of C-Team members items that should be deleted or archived

Facilitator (two prong responsibilities – Admin and Coordination):

  • oversees the financial, technical and administration activities.
  • oversees the development and maintenance of the OBIN database.
  • keep the Coordination Team functioning effectively by focusing on avoiding overlap, troubleshoot, lead strategic planning, chair C-Team meetings, act as spokesperson for the Coordinating Team as a whole by preparing bi-annual reports for the OBIN membership, etc.

Co-positions: The co-positions are critical for the ongoing functionality of the C-Team. Co-coordinators work and share responsibilities with Coordinators in their areas of responsibilities. They are not required to attend all C-Team meetings but are expected to participate on occasion, to gain an understanding of the C-Team and its activities.

Topical Teams: The Coordinators may also enlist the help of one or more short- or long-term topical teams to help them meet their general responsibilities. Coordinators propose a team mandate, recruit volunteers from OBIN, and disband the team when the work is completed. The topical teams are accountable to the specific C-Team member.

As OBIN is a volunteer network, it is inevitable that changes in members’ health, paid work, and/or family lives will interfere with their available time and energy for OBIN work.  Sharing responsibilities with Co-coordinators can spread out the workload and protect C-Team projects from languishing.


Each position is for 2 years at a time, without a term limit.  Attempts will be made to have some of the positions open to new volunteers each year. At least 6 weeks prior to year-end, if possible, position holders should indicate to the Facilitator whether they are interested in continuing or whether they want to leave the position.

If a position becomes vacant for any reason, the Co-coordinator is invited to assume the position for the balance of the term, otherwise, volunteer(s) will be sought to fill the position(s) on a temporary basis until the next official round of selections are made.

Team Revitalization 

While it is hoped that many of the incumbents will extend to ensure continuity, it is important that new members join the C-Team to add innovative ideas, expertise, and energy. 

Roles/Job descriptions for all positions will be prepared and reviewed by the C-Team. The OBIN membership will be solicited to apply for any open position. In the event of competition for any of the positions that cannot be worked out informally, there will be an appeal to OBIN members to resolve the matter, using an online consultation/selection process and voting if necessary. The Facilitator and Coordinators are expected to assist in the selection of co-positions.

Applications are to be received as detailed in the Application form. The appointment of new team members is to be finalized and announced at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

This document may be reviewed by the C-Team from time to time to ensure it is effective in the prevailing environment. Any changes are to be approved by the membership.