Ontario Basic Income Network

Ontario Basic Income Network (OBIN) is a coalition committed to seeing Basic Income implemented in Ontario. It's a bold vision of dignity and justice for every Canadian regardless of work status—and we're inviting you to join our growing community of advocates.

Basic Income is an approach to economic security supported across the political spectrum. It provides a guaranteed level of income to cover basic needs, protecting a shrinking middle class and providing a real alternative to being trapped in the welfare cycle.

If it sounds like a new idea, it's really not. This is something we already do in Canada through the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors and the Child Tax Benefit for parents. They have been a massive success for decades in supporting seniors and families with children, with incredible benefits to the economy and to communities.

There is every reason to expect Basic Income can work well for other Canadians as well, far better than demeaning and stingy social assistance programs, and far better than forcing precariously employed people to bear all the risk of life's ups and downs on their own. What’s more, the government’s rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us not only that it is necessary – but that it is possible. That is why we believe that the time is NOW for Basic Income

In February 2023, the national movement of Basic Income along with OBIN developed and approved a Consensus
Statement on a Basic Income Guarantee.  



  • Latest from the blog

    January 18th, 2025 Celebration to honour John Mills

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    Annual General Meeting and Panel Discussion October 5, 2024

    On Saturday, October 5th, 2024, OBIN will be hosting their Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 10 am followed by a forum on the success of the Basic Income Ontario Municipal Campaign at 11 am. We will hear from municipal champions and discuss how resolutions were passed at many of the municipal councils and what are future actions we can make. Please plan to attend! Register for the AGM by clicking here:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvf-GoqT0jHtelonHCLKHhscyXA2ISjsW2 Further details will be posted in the coming weeks.
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    A Fairer Canada: A forum on Guaranteed Livable Income for All

    Tuesday, April 30, 2024  7 pm ET  A Fairer Canada: A forum on Guaranteed Livable Income for Allhosted by Barry Morris, Sarah Higgins, Charles Barrett and Ernie Epp of UCC GLI networkThere is a way to make the world a fairer place. The time is ripe to implement a guaranteed livable income (GLI) in Canada – but there’s still hesitation, politically, socially and spiritually. On April 30, join members of The United Church of Canada’s national network on GLI to investigate why, to situate GLI advocacy in a wider context of fairness, and to find ways forward towards a livable income for all. Click here to register and receive the zoom link: A Fairer Canada: A Guaranteed Livable Income for All
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    2024 Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Forum happening in Ottawa (and virtually) May 23-26

    We are excited to share information on the 2024 Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Forum happening in Ottawa (and virtually) May 23-26. Registration is now open at https://forum2024.ca/registration/, with in-person early-bird rates until April 22. 
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    Rotman School of Management hosts Inclusive Economies: Exploring the Social Assistance Landscape

    Wednesday, November 8, 2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST Rotman School of Management, 105 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3E6 The Rotman School of Management is hosting a public event on November 8 that will explore the social assistance landscape, including ideas around basic income and how behavioural economics can shape the design and implementation of social assistance programs.
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    Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction hosts Basic Income... It Still Matters

    Friday, October 27, 2023 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT, lunch included Hamilton Public Library, 55 York Boulevard, Hamilton, ON L8R 3K1 Join the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction at its October 27 event for a look back at the transformational impact of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot Project.
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    Intelliware hosts Envisioning Canada's Future: The Basic Income Revolution

    Wednesday, October 18, 2023 5:00 - 9:00 PM EDT Intelliware Office, 200 Adelaide W., Toronto, ON M5H 1W7 Canadian finance and technology consulting company Intelliware is hosting a basic income event at its office in Toronto on October 18.
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    Annual General Meeting and Virtual Event September 16th, 2023 at 10 am

    You’re invited to attend the Ontario Basic Income Network’s Annual General Meeting and Virtual Event, held over Zoom, on: Saturday, September 16th, 2023 You can attend using the Zoom invitation link below: OBIN AGM: 10:00 am to 10:45 am Food Security and a Basic Income Panel Discussion: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Please join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83424597641?pwd=dXRUK3ZaSmdYY3BIUVNQcFZ6UkFKQT09 Meeting ID: 834 2459 7641 Passcode: 975572 The meeting agenda and reports will be shared prior to the meeting. We will start our meeting with general business and conclude with a panel discussion on food security and a basic income, moderated by Member of Parliament Mike Morrice. The panelists include representatives from: https://proof.utoronto.ca/ https://www.dailybread.ca/about/who-we-are/ https://www.odph.ca/about-us New Research on the impact of Ontario Basic Income Pilot on people’s food practices Please join us on September 16th!
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