Thank you to all those who joined our marathon Annual General Meeting on Zoom. For those who missed it, we will be providing you with the key documents to review and respond where necessary. This is the first of these surveys. The link to the survey is at the bottom of the page.
BI Statement of Principles Click here
In response to an affiliate recommendation, the C-Team spent considerable time drafting a definition of a set of Principles. This is important as we dialogue with others so that we convey the same message. You may already have used it during the Basic Income Week, but we would appreciate your ratification for the record.
Basis of Affiliation Click here
Minor modifications have been made to the Basis of Affiliation. As agreed at the AGM, we are increasing the annual fee to $25, or whatever amount you can afford. This is to help cover not only the operational costs but also some of our program expenses. If you have been participating in some of our projects, you will be aware that your C-Team has been very active in collaborating with other BI advocates.
Also, you will see that we have changed how we collaborate with Youth. There is now an active national Youth group and we are very fortunate to have one of their leaders, Chloe Halpenny, as a liaison person on our C-Team.
*** Please click here to go to the AGM 2020 Feedback Survey: Part 1