Ottawa West-Nepean NDP Townhall on Basic Income REPLAY

On October 6, 2020, the Ottawa West-Nepean NDP hosted a virtual townhall on basic income, with special guests Leah Gazan (MP for Winnipeg Centre and sponsor of Motion 46), Sheila Regehr (chair of the Basic Income Canada Network), and Chloe Halpenny (founding member and co-chair of the Basic Income Canada Youth Network).

You might also be interested in the following links, related to topics that were discussed during the townhall: 

  • The Policy Options paper, referenced by Sheila Regehr, can be found on the Basic Income Canada Network website here.  
  • The letter on women and basic income, which Chloe Halpenny helped to draft, can be found on the Ontario Basic Income Network website.  
  • You can find the text for Leah Gazan’s Motion 46 on the House of Commons website. To sign the petition in support of the motion, click here. You can also email your MP and ask them to support it here.  
  • And while you’re at it, why not sign Ontario NDP MPP Jill Andrew’s petition for an emergency basic income?  
  • You can find more information on the Basic Income Canada Youth Network on their website. Or click here to join their mailing list. 
  • Although Paul was sick and unable to join us last week, you can still read his thoughts on why basic income is an essential component of racial justice on Rabble or in this interview with CTV News. Or listen to his conversation with Senator Kim Pate on her podcast.