Minutes September 2021

OBIN Coordinating Team


Tuesday, 07 September 2021. 7:00 – 8:30 pm EST


Chair: Kerry Lubrick

Recorder: Kevin

Present: Barbara, Caterina, Chloe, Craig, Jim, Joe, John, Kerry, Kevin, Piers and Richard.

Absent: Adam and Ron


1. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved without discussion

2. Treasurer’s Report

Richard provided the following financial update:

  • received four donations during the month of August 2021, for a net of $275.53;

  • no expenses were incurred during the month of August;

  • in the bank account, after extracting the externally restricted funds, there is a net amount available to OBIN of $2,018.43; and,

  • there is one known expense coming for the Domain Name change.

3. Content Management Update

Piers reported that he had met with Joe, Barbara, and John in July and progress is being made to update the website content. Piers also reviewed the Quotes section and said he would welcome any suggestions concerning quotations by Canadian politicians in support of basic income. In reply to a question from Barbara about the candidate pledge, Craig confirmed that we were sending out pledges to 600 candidates and that we were requesting everyone to send the pledge to their MP. Lead Now has 12 politicians that have committed to BI. Craig suggested that Piers connect with Liam. Kerry requested links for commitment to basic income by MPs made during the Kingston debates be added to the minutes.



Additional discussion on the Davenport riding as Craig is seeking commitment from the NDP candidate on BI https://act.newmode.net/action/ubi-works/davenport-candidates-pledge-basic-income-now?fbclid=IwAR1o8j7OTX0QoOBX5UjJBIk_AI3aiRpkIzl-ct0iEjB4Any30BwmgDp4U4k

4. Roundtable

Caterina reported that she has a small committee working on Advocacy Day and that they are preparing a list of MPs who would be willing to support BI and that they plan to cross-reference it with the 2019 list. Barbara committed to assisting with meetings in Toronto. Barbara also pointed out the importance of having a lead MPP to assist with connections to other MPPs. Suggested Kathleen Wynne. Kerry will discuss with Deirdre Pike to determine if K. Wynne could be that point MPP. Craig added that there is an evolving arts group that lobbies MPs who would be willing to cooperate with Caterina. Richard pointed out that, for legal reasons, we should employ the term “advocate” rather than “lobby” in connection with these discussions.

Barbara reported that she is working with a committee at Saskatchewan University that is looking at the downstream effects of basic income costs. UBI Works is funding the report which should be available in November 2021. In addition, Barbara is working on the PEI Project; meeting with politicians and economists.

Richard referred to an article in today’s Globe addressing the issue of basic income for disabled people https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-all-parties-should-commit-to-lifting-people-with-disabilities-out-of/

Chloe reported that she has been involved in speaking engagements with the local Rotary and the Business Club at Queens University and on a committee working on election preparation studies. She is also working with a team addressing the issue of cooperation between basic income and sex workers. BI Bought me campaign went well. BICYN has created a template to help youth connect with candidates:


Joe noted that he had participated in an affordable housing seminar and that he had addressed the issue of basic income in that context. He mentioned as well that he has agreed to purchase 31 basic income signs.

Jim attended the BIEN Congress international conference; great draw (+2000 attendees) with hosting online. Jim reported that the Toronto Basic Income March would take place on September 18th at 1:00 pm. Craig added that this will not be a traditional march in that it will be limited to 100 people per group and that participants requesting entry to Nathan Phillips Square will be asked to register online and explain what they plan to do there.

Caterina is putting on a Zoom lunch in which she will provide an outline of each party’s political platform.

Craig previewed a 1 minute, 24-second video on BI which he is planning to launch on Friday and asked for suggestions on how it might be improved. Jim suggested that the video be presented with an accompanying note offering a web link for more information.

5. New Business

- Basic Income Rallies Across Canada on September 25

- Lawn Signs

- BI and the Arts

- Election Ready Website

Craig reported that he had spent much of the past month working with Sheila Regehr, co-producer of the video, and noted that Anderson had contributed $1,200 to its cost and Sheila another $600.00. He noted that the logos are done and are being used in the lawn signs. Craig also mentioned that Joe had already purchased 31 signs, in English and French, and that Susan, in Victoria, had ordered an additional 100. These signs, he pointed out, could be used on lawns, in windows or in marches. In conclusion, Craig requested that we photograph sign use and send them to him directly. Jim added that it would be helpful to put the pictures in the Newsletter in order to demonstrate diversity across the country.

- The Green Resilience Project

Jim pointed out that the key to the project was the identification of BI as part of the transition to a clean environment and offered assurance that all information on the project would be placed on the website.

- Status of New C-Team Formulation

After a brief discussion, Joe proposed that we delay the selection of the new C-Team until after the federal election.

ACTION: Any final comments on the documents to be sent out for potential C-Team members are to be forwarded to Joe before September 15. Joe will prepare a revised schedule for approval.

6. Deadline for October Newsletter

Kerry thanked Piers for the September newsletter and asked for confirmation of the date for the October edition. Piers replied that the probable deadline for submission of information was September 30 but that he would send out an email on September 23 confirming the deadline.

7. Schedule for Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, October 5

8. Adjournment Time

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm