Tuesday, 06 July 2021. 7:00 – 8:35 pm EDT
Present: Barbara, Caterina, Chloe, Craig, Joe, Kevin, Piers, Richard, John
Regrets: Tracy
Absent: Adam, Ron
1. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved without discussion.
2. Treasurer’s Report
Richard provided the following financial update:
* We have received two donations during the month of June 2021, for a net of $33.38;
* No expenses were incurred during the month;
* In the bank account, after extracting the externally restricted funds, there is a net available to OBIN of $2,069.53; and,
* There are no known outstanding expenses at this time.
3. Content Management Update
Piers reported that there haven’t been any fundamental changes in the management of the website, with the book section, publication section, BI section, and the section for politicians remaining pretty much the same. In terms of resources, we are attempting to identify suitable titles to click on to find what we are looking for.
4. Roundtable
Barbara reported that she is following the representatives from Halifax to Dawson City and reviewing the documents used to reach each sector. She is also implementing two projects: a youth project that is currently in its preliminary stages, which is designed to develop an implementation document for PEI and a second project involving political activism.
Chloe reported that she is currently involved in a youth network presentation. The workshop – political advocacy – is noted on the website. Chloe also noted that the Basic Income Canada Youth Network (BICYN) has initiated a new project, #BasicIncomeBoughtMe, and has requested that we support the project by sharing it with our friends. #BasicIncomeBoughtMe is a social media program that focuses on the transformative power of choice that comes with consistent financial security. Joe enquired whether we might put the program on our website. Chloe responded that she has big hopes for the project and to scale it beyond the social media campaign this summer.
Craig pointed out that if we were to march in Toronto on 26 September, as planned, that would involve a significant number of people and it might be advisable to bus everyone into the city. In terms of an Ottawa rally, it would be necessary to identify an animator or organizer for the event. This would also allow the artistic community to participate. Craig mentioned as well that he is doing a presentation with three national groups: England, Scotland and Canada at the BIEN Congress.
Action Item: Following a detailed discussion of upcoming events such as marches, the AGM, and the election, Joe asked John if he would prepare a schedule for the team.
Caterina reported that her committee had met earlier today to discuss BI and how to pay for it.
Action Item: Joe requested that documents drafted by OBIN Affiliates should be vetted by the C-Team before being distributed outside the local group.
5. New Business
a) Technology Collaboration: Susan McBroom
Caterina introduced Susan McBroom whom she had met a year earlier and with whom she had worked on two separate committees. Susan runs her own consultancy company.
Susan explained that small organizations, both profit and not-for-profit, always struggle with technology. She wished to meet with us to explore the possibility of OBIN providing some of these organizations with technical support.
Action Item: Following a discussion of the types of assistance required it was agreed that Susan, Richard and Chloe would have a follow-up meeting.
b) Joe reported that for a variety of reasons he was stepping down as facilitator of OBIN.
Action Item: Jim Mulvale will step in as an interim facilitator.
John noted that we had made a lot of progress since 2018 and hoped that Joe would leave OBIN with a sense of pride. Barbara thanked Joe for his patience and strong leadership. There was unanimous support for John’s and Barbara’s comments and a strong expression of appreciation from committee members.
c) Review of OBIN Structure
Joe emphasized the need for OBIN to have a structure, a plan, and a strategy in order to move forward and that this would only come as a result of a detailed analysis of our objectives.
d) Diversity Meeting Doodle poll for further discussion
Joe pointed out that OBIN suffers from a lack of diversity. It was agreed that there were many forms of diversity and that we needed to explore this subject in more detail to determine how we wished to proceed. John concluded the discussion by asking how we might become part of the broader discussion.
e) Website Content – Management Meeting Doodle poll for further discussion
Craig noted that in order to improve access to the website it is presently necessary to scroll down; need to create strong images.
6. Deadline for August Newsletter
John reported that the deadline for comments for the next Newsletter would be 1 August.
7. Schedule for Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, 3 August.
8. Adjournment Time
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.