Minutes - December 2020

Monday, 07 December 2020
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Eastern Time

Present: Adam, Barbara, Caterina, Chloe, Joe, John, Kevin, Richard, Ron

Regrets: Tracy. Absent: Netta, Sharon,Tiffany

1. Approval of Agenda

At John’s request a discussion of the Stanford BI project was added to the agenda.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Richard reported that there had been 2 donations in the month of November for a total of $47.94 There were no expenses incurred during the month and after extracting the externally restricted funds, there is a net to OBIN of $1,512.92

3. Content Management Update

No report. However, John has been working with Sharon to take over as interim Content Manager.

4. Technology: NationBuilder Updates

No report.

5. Action Items Related to November Roundtable

A. Preparation of C-Team Members’ Video

Joe noted that at the previous meeting Sharon had proposed that each C-Team member prepare a two- minute video outlining their reasons for participating in Basic Income. Action awaited.

B. Marketing BI to Various Parties

Chloe noted that there have been on-going broad discussions about reaching out to BI supporters in the various constituencies but that we continue to be constrained by our inability to identify who they are.

C. Cooperation with Coalition Canada and Funding Application for Series of Seminars

Barbara stressed the importance of developing more vibrant programs for engaged parties such as MPPs. Caterina and Barbara to follow up with an MPP Lobby Day.

D. Addressing Basic Income and the Environment

Barbara reported that the proposal to Environment Canada for a grant of $400,000 in support of basic income had been submitted but that we are still waiting for a reply.

6. December Newsletter

09 December for articles to John with E-Blast out by Monday. (Please send John updates on your area of responsibility).

It was agreed that the January newsletter should be published January 13 and that information should be submitted to John no later than January 11. The focus will be on identifying a Content Manager applicant.

7. Round Table and Other Business

A. Changes in the C-Team

Sharon is moving on to new ventures. A big thanks from the team and our members for making our website an exciting place to go!

Caterina is taking the lead as our coordinator, Internal Relations with initial backup from the Waterloo group.

John is replacing Jim as Co-facilitator; Jim has decided to withdraw due to work pressures.

All positions are still to be ratified by our membership – hopefully with new volunteers being added.

B. Funding

We need to be looking for special funding to help improve the use of our software. Saul remains involved but has limited time.

John proposed a motion to fund a video by Kai of not more than 5 minutes for $500. The motion was passed unanimously.

Tracey submitted a brief note stating that she is working on the Myths of Poverty video, that she will have a webinar on Thursday with the Hamilton Roundtable, and that she gave a talk to the Canadian Patient Summit last week on rural poverty, with basic income featuring prominently in the discussion.

8. Other Business

John discussed the Stanford project and suggested OBIN do something similar for Canada.

9. Schedule for Next Meeting – January 11?

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held Monday, 11 January at 7:00 pm.

10. Adjournment Time.

The meeting ended at 8:35 pm.