Coalition Canada: basic income/revenu de base* is Canada’s cross-country coalition of experienced Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) activists. The Coalition came together following the election of the Federal minority Liberal Government in October, 2019. Advocacy groups from the Yukon and all Provinces except Newfoundland are currently represented.
Our current goal, working in affiliation with the Basic Income Canada Network (BICN), is to galvanize the Federal government to begin work on a national basic income program for those who need it. Beginning with two projects to support PEI’s unanimous vote to support the establishment of a Prince Edward Island (PEI) basic income program, Coalition members first wrote the PEI political leaders responsible for that result, expressing appreciation and articulating why their continuing advocacy matters so much to all of us across Canada. After that, personalized letters were written to more than 180 MP's and Senators urging Federal support for the PEI initiative. For its third project, the Coalition is planning a Basic Income Lobby Day in Ottawa in October, 2020. There’s also a new project to develop a pro-active communications strategy to buttress all Coalition initiatives, current and future.
The Coalition is a volunteer organization. Decisions, including the choice of projects, are made collectively by all members. Meetings are the 4th Wednesday of each month. Any groups interested in joining the coalition should contact the Coordinator, Toni Pickard at [email protected]
*RdB - ‘revenu de base’ is the name for basic income the Quebec group uses for their basic income advocacy.
Visit the Coalition Canada page on this website. Keep informed about the activities and projects of this Basic Income advocacy group.