Basic Income Calgary - 15 July 2020
Our focus in July is the arts and cultural sector, and how a basic income would impact Canadian artists, writers, technicians, and performers. From all across Canada, filmmakers, poets, teachers, opera singers, playwrights, actors, singers, musicians, painters, photographers, curators, graphic novelists, visual artists, circus artists, and others are making their voices heard at all levels of government for change. NOW is the time for basic income.
This is a great opportunity to learn why 75,000 artists signed an open letter, calling on the Prime Minister of Canada to implement a permanent basic income guarantee. What seemed like an impossible, innovative idea, has now captured the public’s imagination.
Join Basic Income Calgary for its third Basic Income webinar – this time in partnership with the Ontario Basic Income Network (OBIN).
Note: There is potential for this session to be extremely popular, we suggest registering early in order to ensure access to the live event.
Zainub Verjee – Laureate of the 2020 Governor General’s Visual and Media Arts
Patti Pon – Calgary Arts Development
Clayton Windatt – Independent Artist and Curator
JD Derbyshire – Basic Income Calgary YYC Arts Collective
Pierre-Luc Landry – Union of Quebec Writers
Craig Berggold – Independent Artist
Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Time (approx 90 min): 11:00am PDT, 12:00pm MDT, 2:00pm EDT
*** Register for the Webinar here. ***
The Case For Basic Income for the Arts is part of the ‘Case for Basic Income Series’ developed and led by Ontario Basic Income Network, in partnership with Basic Income Canada Network and Coalition Canada.