9 November 2021

Tuesday, 09 November, 2021. 7:00 – 9:00 pm EST


Chair:  Kerry Lubrick 

Present: Barbara, Caterina, Craig, Elaine, Jim, Joe, John, Kerry, Kevin, Lorraine, Melanie, Richard and Ron.

Absent, with regrets: Piers


Kerry initiated the meeting by welcoming the new members and asked all C-team partners to introduce themselves:

Melanie reported that she is the representative for the Youth Network, that she is replacing Chloe and that she has begun work on the Basic Income program in Thunder Bay.

Elaine stated that she planned to do some of the social media work, that she is one of the co-founders of the Kingston Affiliate and that she is co-author of the book reminding people of what the Premier did to Basic Income. Elaine taught at Queen’s University and is a research specialist in food insecurity, health and gender and Basic Income.

Lorraine indicated that her primary interest was related to the position of research assistant but was persuaded by one of Joe’s articles to consider the promotion and communications role. She has retired as a librarian and now works with the United Church in connection with lower income groups. She also has some experience in fundraising, primarily with “friend raising.”

Joe mentioned that he had been the OBIN facilitator for the previous three years and remained hopeful that he would be able to set up an affiliate in Ottawa.

Kevin said that he had worked with the Canadian International Development Agency and spent half of his career working overseas in India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Kevin has been the OBIN secretary for the past year.

Richard reported that he worked for Nortel for much of his career and that he is currently chairman of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and on the Board of Directors of Development and Peace.

Barbara reported that she is the External Relations coordinator and works with groups across the country and with Coalition Canada.

Ron reported that he began his career in political science in the US, transferred to the University of Winnipeg, later to become the University of Manitoba, became the executive director of the Mincome project, deputy minister of health for Manitoba and then began work with KPMG. Ron is currently working on a book on Public Administration.

Caterina is the International Communications Coordinator and a member of the Waterloo affiliation.

Jim is a faculty member in Social Work at the University of Manitoba where he researches and writes about basic income.

He was involved in setting up the Basic Income Canada Network in 2008. Jim is currently the Co-facilitator for OBIN.

Kerry reported that while she is new to Basic Income, she was pleased to take on the role of Facilitator for the program.

John informed us that he has been working on Basic Income with Kerry in Hamilton, that he was introduced to Basic Income in Winnipeg in 2016 while employed by Ontario Works and that he was the Internal Relations representative until Caterina took on the role. John Is also secretary for Income Canada.

Craig said that he is a professor, campaign organizer and film maker. He taught at Emily Carr for ten years and recently stepped down from the Public Service Alliance of Canada.


  1. Approval of Agenda

Joe requested that we amend the agenda by adding a review of the item entitled Note for Conservatives.

  1. Treasurer’s Report 

Richard reported that:

* We received four donations during the month of October, 2021 for a net of $ 154.15

* No expenses were incurred during the month of October;

* In the bank account, after extracting the externally restricted funds, there is a net amount available to OBIN of $ 2,205.96;

* November is starting on a positive note, with four donations already received for a net of $ 192.99.

With upcoming information flow, to include a reminder of the membership contribution of $ 25/year.

  1. Roundtable

Joe noted that the C-Team attempted to identify applicants for Social Media who were willing to assume a two-year commitment.  He added that we were posting with Facebook but unfortunately lost Adam who has gone on to take his PhD. He added that the team was excited to Have Ron take the lead on Research. Overall, he felt the team, with our new Facilitator and two potential Promotions and Communications members, was in the best position it has been in in a long time.

Following a detailed description of the AGM it was agreed that we should plan for a three-hour meeting in January, preferably on a Saturday from 9:30 – 12:30.  It was also agreed that the meeting should be held on ZOOM rather than in-person, that it should commence with the business meeting for approximately 30 minutes to be followed by possible individual affiliate speeches for the remainder of the period. Kerry, Joe and Lorraine would work together to prepare a draft final plan. 

Barbara reported that she is working with Federal MPs and that the biggest concern is with potential labour disruptions arising from the risk that income assistance may render people unavailable for jobs. Ron said this potential outcome was completely unfounded and that, in fact, work income assistance often served as a work incentive. Lorraine added that communications/research was critical and that we not only had to develop the research but must also communicate it effectively to influence MPs. John made the point that training is an investment rather than simply a cost and that companies had to be convinced of this.  Kerry added that we would pursue this further in preparation for the election.

 Craig reported that he had made a presentation to the Public Arts Association concerning Basic Income and noted that eventually it would go to all MPs.  He mentioned as well that he had attended the Stephen Del Duca rally and concluded that the stickers he designed were prominent. The first question raised by one of the 35 people in attendance was about Basic Income.

Barbara reported that the PEI project is proceeding spectacularly and Caterina mentioned that she had several important meetings coming up including one with the Speaker of the House and enquired whether anyone would be free to join her.

Action: Please respond to Caterina

 In connection with Lobby Day, Jim enquired whether anyone was reaching out to Stephen Del Duca.

Craig informed the team that OBIN will chair the committee on the Ontario election and that the slogan – “Basic Income Now” would be the official slogan.

  1. New Business

John noted that the slogan “Basic Income Now” is critical in terms of our election and stated as well that we needed to continue working on our website. Barbara added that it was essential that we be conscious of what our goals and strategies are. Elaine added that the media is oriented towards Twitter and that going forward it will be important for us to play a role in the twittisphere.

Craig pointed out that Bill 124 has locked in a 1% wage cut and reduced the minimum wage. Elaine added that Progressive Conservatives are not permitted to discuss Basic Income. Richard said it was important to remind people that Ford had cancelled Basic Income and John added that Ford had also fired the ethics committee that oversaw Basic Income. Barbara stressed that the election will produce a winner and that we will be compelled to work with the winner. With respect to our letter to politicians, Kerry noted that it would not be ready in time for tomorrow’ meeting. Craig proposed another meeting to finalize the letter and Kerry suggested it be undertaken by email. 


  1. Deadline for December Newsletter 

Kerry proposed that the deadline for submission of material for the December Newsletter would be the last week of November.

  1. Schedule for Next Meeting 

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 7.

  1. Adjournment Time

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm